Monday, March 12, 2007

Two things...

There are TWO main things in the world of which I like and feel I gain a certain inspiration from. In this post I will discuss what they are, why I hold a ceratin attraction from them and what direction I hope they will lead me in for both Project 1 and in Internet & Digital Media.


Cartoons and animation have been a very large source of inspiration for me over the years. This may probably be due to the fact that I was virtually raised in font of the television for most of my primary school life :P. I like how expression and emotion can be condensed and exaggerated in hand drawn characters and the way an audience connects with them. The whole process is also fascinating because when viewing a cartoon, you’re not actually watching something move, your watching a pile of static images which your brain is connecting together for you.

I always enjoy getting an old VHS or DVD out and pausing each frame to see how a character, object or special effect has been animated. It’s a fantastic feeling to capture the exact frame when you know the animator has achieved creating a certain expression or feeling in a character; or how an explosion is orchestrated with a series of flashes or scribbles (depending on the style of animation).

I enjoy 2D animation a little more than 3D as I find it easier to read expression in a 2D piece. However, having said that I also really like seeing the two mediums mixed together to create a whole new world of beauty and effects. The animations which push the animation media to extremes are always the more remember able ones. For example, I can bet more people would remember the 3D animation Toy Story as opposed to a movie like Open Season as Toy Story was the first feature length movie to incorporate 3D animation for its intirety.

In my art piece and through the course of Internet & Digi-media I hope to incorporate a lot more animation in my pieces and learn heaps of new skills to conceive some wonderful pieces. At the moment I feel I just don’t know enough on how to create that special effect of flow-of-movement, so I really want to learn heaps.


Another field which fascinates my interest is the power of illustration. I enjoy the way a new world can be created in a single image and how even the style the image was drawn in can give it meaning or emotion. For example, an image in black and white often has a slightly more danker/older feel to it then something in colour. And it doesn’t necessarily matter how well the image was drawn/created either to create an emotion or effect.

Even still life illustrations are very enjoyable because if you know the person who drew them, you can gain some insight into their personality and find even more meaning in their drawings.

Illustrations’ also have an entertaining power to bring new meanings to old. And do this far more effectively than words. Observe the following:

This is an illustration depicting running out of time – quite latterly! I really enjoy small things which illustrate common everyday things/meanings – It’s just so fascinating! :D!

I really hope to bring a degree of the ambiguity of hidden messages and personality in drawing into my project. I think its also great to know something about your project which no one else is familiar with – its like having a diary which everyone can see but can’t completely decipher for :D

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