Thursday, March 8, 2007

Assignment 1 research - a little about me..

This is reasearch for assignment 1. Here are some things that I feel express me and stuff that I like. There are also some ideas scattared around here that I think I may use in the assignment (i.e. creating a small website with 3 pages which is 'maze-like').

I feel that I am sometimes loud....

and have a huuuge attraction towards anything on a screen/moniter/LCD/plasma etc.

Two of my most favorite arts are digital media and drawing - I love combining the two because there is just a range of possibilities to explore as opposed to using each on its own. I'm a bit here-and-there so this small info thing about me may not make too much sense - I don't know best how to de-construct myself into small sections and describe them, so talking about the things I love (and hate) most might help :)

I like drawings which have a semi-rough feel towards them (as though they were boardly scrawled during a boring lecter at school or something) and have a huge attraction to pen drawings displayed on computer. I like the idea that you can get these doodles full of mistakes and improveThese are some pictures I have created in my short time on the globe with these qualities...

And these are some other images accross the internet which I also appreciate! I really like the dirty grungy-ness and black texture - that real feel that they were made years ago...

This artwork, for me, makes me think 'street art' and I really like that kind of stuff because it's intresting to think that so called "hooligans" who are sterotyped as destroying and grifitting stuff on the street can produce some really great art. (Not that this image really shows that) but thats the feel I get from street art - Its always fun to think of something in a different light i think :)

I also like colourful strange cartoon-like images - the more colour and strangeness the better =^.^=

Some other things I like include...

- Disney movies
- Japanese anime animation
- Unusual uses of 3D animation
- Quirky illustration
- Hidden meanings
- Certain images which inflict surreal feelings
- Extreme uses of any medium (e.g. drawing photo-realistic images with a stick of charchole)
- Things which facinate children
- Looking at everyday things from different angles (e.g. running out of time - as in someone walking out of a watch or something ^__^)

Things I hate and loath (but there isn't that many I don't think...)...

- People who don't listen or give new things a go (although, I'm sometimes guilty of that ^.^! )
- Ack, I'll add more as I think of them...

1 comment:

dr andy warhola said...

terrific amount of stuff on here already, some project ideas next? cheers, andy